
Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Before the spirit came-By Brielle

Learning Intention:W.A.L.T-Identify what are the feelings of the disciples.
Success criteria:I am successful when I can tell the feelings of the disciples before the Holy Spirit came.

The feelings of the disciples before the Holy Spirit came.

Breakfast By the sea -By Brielle

Learning Intention:W.A.L.T-retell one of the after Easter stories.

Success Criteria:I am successful when I can retell one after Easter story by drawing a comic strip.

1.Peter,  John and James went  fishing.

2.They fish all night and caught nothing.
3.Someone called out to throw the net to the other side of the boat.
4.Peter jumped into the water and swam to Jesus.

5.They had breakfast on the shore with Jesus.

Maui Dolphins By Brielle

Learning Intention:W.A.L.T.-Write a report.
Success Criteria: I am successful when I can write a report about 
Maui dolphins.

Maui dolphins are mammals.

They are endangered species.

Maui dolphins like to eat small fish.

They eat squid.
Maui dolphins like to eat seaweed.

Maui dolphins are found in the West coast of the North Island  of New Zealand.

They use their tail to swim and to swim faster.

They use their fins to balance.

Maui dolphins are grey and white. 

They have sharp teeth.
Maui dolphins are small.

Sharks: By Brielle

Learning Intention:W.A.L.T.-Write a report.

Success Criteria:I am successful when I can write a report about sharks.

Shark is a fish.

Some sharks like the great white shark swim by propelling itself through the water using its tail.The fins are used for balance.
Other sharks,like the whale shark,move their bodies from side to side to propel them selves through the water.
We can find sharks in the oceans.Some sharks can be found in the river .
Most sharks give birth to live young but some do not,their eggs hatch later.
Image result for shark